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04.04.2017, 12:57

Guangdong Province is ready to assist in the implementation of agricultural products of the Minsk region in China

Guangdong Province expresses its readiness to assist in the sale of agricultural products produced in the Minsk region on the Chinese market, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

A delegation of the Minsk region headed by the chairman of the regional executive committee Semyon Shapiro visited the Guangdong province. Speech about the readiness of the Chinese province to promote the sale of agricultural products produced in the Minsk region was held at the meeting of Semen Shapiro and his colleague of Guangdong Governor Ma Singju. The Chinese side also expressed an interest in entering the Industrial Park "Great Stone" of the Association of Lighting Equipment, asking for assistance in creating the necessary conditions for this. To develop bilateral ties and implement mutually beneficial projects, Semyon Shapiro invited Ma Singruya to visit the Minsk region on a return visit in the near future.

In Guangdong, a number of meetings and negotiations took place between the heads of enterprises of the Minsk region and representatives of business circles of China. A promising area of cooperation with Chinese partners is to expand the supply of meat products. So, applications for its certification have already been submitted to OAO Dzerzhinsky Agrocombin, Veles-Meat Ltd. Smolevichi Broiler has begun export deliveries to the Hong Kong market of poultry and edible offal products in autumn 2016. A potential source of expansion of cooperation is supplies to China food products enterprises holding "Myasomolprom." All milk processing enterprises of the holding received permission to supply dairy products, including butter, cheese, dried milk whey, skimmed milk powder, milk steri A topical issue is the search for ways to increase the competitiveness of these products according to the price factor in the Chinese market.

The Minsk region is constantly expanding contacts with the regions of China. With Guangdong Province, which is one of the leaders in China in terms of growth in gross domestic product, cooperation is developing dynamically. In 2016 a number of mutual visits were held. For example, in October 2016 a trade, economic and tourist conference of the province and the Minsk region was held in Minsk. Negotiations between the enterprises of the two countries were held with the aim of establishing direct business contacts.

At the end of March, the Minsk region concluded an agreement on establishing twin-city relations with the Chinese Chongqing pride. To increase the export of products to the Chinese market, the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee regularly sends commercial offers to enterprises in the embassy of Belarus in the PRC and in the partner regions of the Moscow region. In 2016, the trade between the Minsk region and China in monetary terms amounted to $ 832.3 million. Exports of goods from the Minsk region almost reached the level of $ 295 million, with the largest share of it accounted for potash fertilizers ($ 291 million). Among the main export items are fiber linen, leather from animal skins.

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