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12.05.2017, 10:40

Minsk region and Austrian Carinthia show interest in cooperation in alternative energy

The Minsk region and the federal state of Carinthia of Austria are interested in expanding cooperation in the field of alternative energy. This was discussed today at the meeting of the Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Semyon Shapiro and the Regional Minister of Economy of the Land Government of Carinthia Christian Benger, BelTA has learned.

The agreement on cooperation and partnership between the Belarusian and Austrian regions was signed in 2008. Last year the delegation of the Minsk region participated in the traditional economic forum of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, held in Velden. A presentation of the region took place, special attention was paid to the opportunities of the Sino-Belarusian industrial park "The Great Stone."

As noted during today's meeting, the chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, the two countries are implementing a number of major joint projects in the field of telecommunications technologies, banking, woodworking. "Projects of the same level and projects in small business are still small," he said.For example, in all districts of the Minsk region, it is necessary to build energy sources with local fuels that reduce dependence on fuels such as natural gas. In this sphere it seems very promising. "

Christian Benger supported this initiative. He said that in Carinthia there are enterprises engaged in the development of thermal and electrical energy from wood, and they not only produce the appropriate equipment, but also operate it. In addition, these companies are investors. "During the meeting in Velden, topics were discussed that are of the greatest mutual interest, one of them is renewable energy sources, Carinthia is ready to expand cooperation in this direction." Interaction in such areas as electronics, microelectronics, machine building, metalworking, woodworking, processing Plastics and recycling of plastics waste, and tourism in the long term, "Christian Benger said.

As it was noted at the meeting, the conditions that determine the cooperation between Belarus and Austria are very favorable, but they need to be developed. For example, the proposal was made to improve the conditions for cooperation in the financial sphere, in the development of aviation communications.

During a visit to the Minsk region, a delegation from Carinthia visited the Dzerzhinsky Agrokombinat OJSC, Christian Benger praised the work of this agro-industrial complex, and also planned to familiarize with the Great Stone industrial park. Christian Benger invited Semen Shapiro to visit in 2018 The next forum of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in Velden.The parties plan there to assess the concrete results of the ongoing work on expanding cooperation.

Given the structure of the economy of Carinthia, the Minsk region also considers tourism (hotel industry, gastronomy, SPA services), agriculture, forestry and construction as promising areas for cooperation. Austria is a traditional investor in the economy of the Minsk region. The volume of foreign direct investment received from Austria in the Minsk region in 2016 amounted to $ 3.4 million (117.7% of the level of 2015). Among the companies that attracted the largest amount of direct foreign investments on a net basis, are Henkel Bautechnik JLLC and Severstal Distribution CJSC. The foreign trade turnover of the Minsk region with Austria for 2016 was $ 20.6 million. The main export items from the Minsk region to Austria are potash fertilizers, vegetables, frozen fruits. Imported from Austria are mainly medicines, equipment for processing rubber and plastics, furniture and door hardware.

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