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19.06.2017, 14:50

Managerial innovations are presented at the educational fair in Fanipol

The open educational fair of social and managerial innovations "To manage, creating the meanings" will be held on June 20 at the secondary school # 1 in Fanipol (Dzerzhinsky district), BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Institute of Education Development.

"The fair will contribute to the formation of a positive image of the education system and is a unique platform for the exchange of experience, discussion of problem issues, development of partnership in the field of education management," the institute noted.

Leaders and specialists from the Brest, Gomel, Mogilev and Minsk regions will take part in the event. They will tell their colleagues about social and managerial innovations and offer effective managerial experience of their regions. During the poster presentations and public presentations 50 author's projects will be presented. Participants will pay special attention to organizational and managerial decisions to improve the quality of education, the introduction of productive ideas in the practice of work, the development of the professional potential of teachers, and the stimulation of the work of workers in the industry.

Also during the fair will be consulting points on the functioning of school business companies, procurement, socio-economic issues. Participants and guests of the event will have an opportunity to get acquainted with ideas and innovations in managerial, social and pedagogical activities in the field of education. Interested persons can get the author's product interested in them, get advice on existing issues.

An open educational fair is held by the Education, Sports and Tourism Department of the Dzerzhinsky District Executive Committee with the support of the Minsk Regional Institute of Educational Development.

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