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04.08.2017, 9:27

The International Festival of amateurs of active leisure opens in Logoisk District

The 9th international festival of amateurs of active leisure "Expedition-Tour 2017" opens today in Logoisk District, BelTA.

The base of the holiday will be a picnic hotel "Expedition" (village October). Its program provides for sports, competitions and cultural and entertainment events. As for the sports part, it is planned international competitions for extreme races on aquabike "Cup of the Baltic countries", quadrocyclists competition on the dirt road "Kvadro-trofi 2017". In general, it is planned to hold competitions in more than 20 sports disciplines. The participants will be assessed by professional instructors and judges of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, as well as by the NOC. Winners will be awarded valuable prizes.

Participants and guests of the large-scale sports and healthy lifestyle holiday will also have the opportunity to visit culinary shows, see popular artists, DJs and others. They are waited by attractions, yoga, Siberian, Japanese and Finnish baths, competitions and prizes from partners of the festival , Overnight in exotic northern plague or tent camp. There is also a playground for children.

It is expected that the festival-gathering will bring together more than 1,5 thousand participants from 15 countries of near and far abroad. The event will end on August 6.

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