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26.06.2018, 15:04

Beekeepers of Minsk region plan to increase the volume of honey harvest by 20%

Beekeepers in the Minsk region plan to increase honey harvesting by 20% compared to last year, BelTA learned from Nikolai Fursevich, the leading engineer of the production and sales department of the Minsk State Forestry Production Association.

"According to the plan for the development of beekeeping for 2016-2020, it is necessary to collect about 35 tons of honey annually, because last year only 28 tons were procured because of unfavorable weather, and 21.5 tons this season. long, so I think the volume of honey harvest will significantly exceed last year's, everything will depend on the weather, we plan to collect at least 20% more than last year, "Nikolai Fursevich noted.

In the Minsk region, 19 leshozes are engaged in beekeeping, there are altogether about 2.5 thousand beehives. On average, there are about 100 beehives in the leshozes, but in some they are several times larger. In particular, there are 300 bee colonies in the Lubansky and Stolbtsy leshozes, 200 in Pukhovichi.

According to the expert, now there is an active pumping out of spring honey. Weekly, about 5-6 tons are added. The leaders, naturally, are those leshozes, where there are more bee colonies. So, the Luban leshoz collected 4.24 tons from early June, 2.2 tons from Starodorozhskiy. "Each region has its own conditions: in the south of the region, mainly flower honey is collected, in the north - rapeseed, and honey harvested from meadow motley grass, buckthorn and raspberries, "he said.

You can buy fresh honey in each leshoz of the central region for Br8-9 per 1 kg. The cheapest honey in Kopylsky district, the most expensive honey in Volozhinsky.

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