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13.11.2018, 14:57

The action on the prevention of diabetes will be held in Minsk on November 14

The action on the prevention of diabetes mellitus will be held at the Belarusian State Medical University on November 14, Alla Shepelkevich, chairman of the Belarusian public medical association Endocrinology and Metabolism, told BelTA.

Participants will be able to assess the risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus on a special scale - FINDRISK, which includes eight questions. Next, those present will measure the level of glucose in the blood, glycemia, blood pressure, body weight, waist circumference. Anyone over 40 can participate in the action.

On this day, an interdepartmental round table will be held at the medical university to discuss the organization of medical and social assistance for diabetes.

In addition, on November 17, the Republican Palace of Culture of Trade Unions in Minsk will hold a medical-educational event, World Diabetes Day 2018: Family and Diabetes, for patients with diabetes and their relatives. Leading experts of the country in the field of diabetology will talk about the significance of the problem, the incidence situation in the republic, modern methods of treating diabetes and its complications.

During the week (November 17) in the regional and Minsk city endocrinological dispensaries (departments), the Republican Center for Endocrinology, patients with diabetes will be able to get a survey on the role of the family in treating the disease.

Events organized by the Ministry of Health, BOMO "Endocrinology and Metabolism", NGO "Support for people with diabetes," Department of Endocrinology and the 1st Department of Children's Diseases of the Belarusian State Medical University, Republican Center for Endocrinology.

Annually, on November 14, World Diabetes Day is held around the world. This year, the International Federation of Diabetes proposed the topic "Family and Diabetes."

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