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19.02.2019, 16:15

The number of vacancies from employers in Minsk in 2018 increased by 35%

The average monthly number of vacancies provided by employers to the state employment service increased by 35% in Minsk in 2018, the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Minsk City Executive Committee told BelTA.

The total number of people employed in the city’s economy has increased to 1,070.7 thousand people, which is 0.3% more than in 2017. The processes of redistribution of labor from production to services continued. The labor turnover increased by 3.7%, and the amount of workers released on the initiative of employers decreased. The unproductive loss of working time due to involuntary part-time employment decreased 1.5 times.

"The growth in economic demand for personnel contributed to a reduction in tensions in the labor market. On average, employers provided 15 thousand vacancies to the employment service, security for free jobs increased. At the same time, in many professions, a labor-deficient situation increased, professional imbalance in demand increased labor supply, "- said the experts.

Also in 2018 conditions were created to reduce unemployment to 0.1%. 14.4 thousand citizens applied for assistance in employment, including 6.6 thousand unemployed, which is two times less than in 2017. With the assistance of the state employment service, 9.7 thousand people were employed, of which 4 thousand were unemployed. 596 people were sent for vocational training and retraining.


Прочитано 14112 раз Последнее изменение 19.02.2019, 16:15
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