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06.03.2019, 8:49

More than 50 honorary blood donors awarded in Minsk

Over 50 honorary blood donors solemnly awarded today at the NSPT of transfusiology and medical biotechnologies, BelTA has learned.

Donors of blood and its components were awarded with insignia of the Ministry of Health "Ghanarov donar Respubliki Belarus" and memorable souvenirs. All those who were invited to the solemn event at least once donated blood or its components for free. Among them, Dmitry Gmyza - all of his 20 donations were gratuitous.

The insignia of a donor is relied upon if he donated blood 20 times or 40 times its components, or if there are 40 paid donations of blood or 80 components.

According to Larisa Gushchina, Deputy Director for Transfusiology of the National Scientific and Practical Center, the award with the distinction is the recognition by the state of a noble contribution to the development of blood donation and its components. Donated blood saves lives to many people. In particular, in the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology in 2018 about 620 liters of platelets and about 715 liters of red blood cells were transferred to small patients.

The event was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. It was completed by a gala concert with the participation of artists of the Belarusian State Philharmonic and the Belarusian State Academic Musical Theater.


Прочитано 14112 раз Последнее изменение 06.03.2019, 8:49
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