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18.03.2019, 16:32

Alley family trees lay in Minsk on March 23

An alley of family trees will be laid in the Zavodskoy district of the capital on March 23, first secretary of the Minsk City Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union Sergei Klishevich told BelTA.

"The landing of the avenue is planned within the boundaries of Malinin-Schetovka streets along the Slepian water system. The BRSM activists, representatives of the district administration, famous athletes, cultural workers and artists, families celebrated this year, 30, 40, 50 years old, will be invited to the event. anniversaries of joint life, as well as families in which children were born this year. Another square will be laid in the area of ​​Pulikhova Street on March 30, ”said Sergei Klishevich.

The project "Park of family trees" was initiated by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union last October. It implies the creation of parks in every region of Belarus, including alleys and squares of family trees, where everyone in honor of marriage, childbirth and other important family occasions will be able to plant a tree in a specially designated place. Nearby it will be possible to install a tablet with the family tree of the family and take care of your tree, transfer the care of it to your descendants. “Such parks will be a good reminder to people about important events in their lives, in honor of which they will plant trees,” said the first secretary of the Minsk city committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

Sergey Klishevich added that the project “My dear kut” is continuing in the city. This year, emphasis will be placed on landscaping of the yard. "We will plant trees and bushes, make out flowerbeds, update playgrounds, paint the yards with graffiti. By tradition, we invite local residents to take part in our action and thereby make your yard even more beautiful and attractive," he said.


Прочитано 14286 раз Последнее изменение 18.03.2019, 16:32
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