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05.04.2019, 15:19

Improvement of excavation sites in Minsk will be completed before May 1

Landings in Minsk are planned to be landscaped before May 1, Andrei Sushchinsky, head of the technical department of the Minsk City Executive Committee, told a meeting of the working group on landscaping and maintenance of the capital's territories today, BelTA reports.

According to Andrey Sushchinsky, about 50% of the sites have already been equipped. Control measures are carried out, monitoring of territories. In March-April, 39 protocols were drawn up for failure to take measures to restore order. Officials brought to administrative responsibility.

"Works on improvement are in the active phase, before May 1 they should be completed. There are also issues on elimination of defects, ground failures in excavations, which are under control," the head of the technical department noted.

City services also pay great attention to garbage collection along the road network, including the Moscow Ring Road, railways, in green areas, and in forest areas. In the near future, more control over how waste is transported to landfills. There are facts when the special vehicles are blown by the wind along the roadside.


Прочитано 14001 раз Последнее изменение 05.04.2019, 15:19
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