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18.04.2019, 14:49

Ice Palace will begin to build in Borisov at the end of 2019

At the end of 2019, a ice palace will be built in Borisov, BelTA has been told by Deputy Chairman of the Borisov District Executive Committee for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Oleg Kiryuta.

"In October of this year, design and estimate documentation should be ready. Then we proceed to the construction of the ice palace," Oleg Kiryuta said. "The object will appear behind the bridge across the Berezina on the site opposite the Crown."

The building will be equipped with two ice rinks - the main and the training one. The main ice will hold 2 thousand spectators. If it is necessary to hold a mass cultural event, the ice is covered with a special coating, on which additional seats are installed. As a result, the concert will be able to attend up to 2.5 thousand people. Now there is a House of Culture for 780 seats. Also, it is planned to hold competitions in 18 sports on the basis of the palace, said Deputy Chairman of the Borisov District Executive Committee.

Funds for the construction of the palace will be allocated from the regional budget. However, Oleg Kiryuta said, republican organizations can also join. In particular, the issue is being discussed with the National Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Sport and Tourism.


Прочитано 13981 раз Последнее изменение 18.04.2019, 14:49
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