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30.04.2019, 12:24

Master classes on art therapy will be held at the festival in the Minsk region

The Psikhalagichnyya Vakatsi-II festival will be held on May 3 at the Minsk Regional Institute for Educational Development, BelTA learned in the institution.

Teachers-psychologists of institutions of pre-school, general secondary, secondary special and vocational education, social and pedagogical institutions, private and public organizations of Minsk and the capital region will be able to take part in the event.

The festival will be opened by a public lecture by the candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, head of the section of family psychology of the Belarusian Society of Psychologists, member of the European Association for Psychotherapy Natalia Olifirovich.

Each participant will be able to visit 18 master classes, workshops, trainings, business games, workshops from leading psychologists, sexologists, defectologists from BSU, BSPU. M. Tanka, teachers and methodologists of the Minsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education, teachers-practitioners of the Minsk region and Minsk. In particular, psychology teachers will have the opportunity to plunge into the scheme-therapy, body-oriented, dance-motor and art therapy, learn about the features of the use of metaphorical associative cards in family, crisis and psychological-pedagogical counseling. Participants will discuss the specifics of working with child injuries, master the techniques of conflict resolution, learn to interact with special children, and analyze ways of harmonizing the internal state of children and adults.

The purpose of the event is to create conditions for the mastery of educational psychologists modern methods, methods and technologies necessary to provide effective psychological assistance.

The organizer is the Minsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education.


Прочитано 13798 раз Последнее изменение 30.04.2019, 12:24
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