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10.05.2019, 16:02

Minsk to host Belarus-Poland economic forum Good Neighborliness in June

The 22nd Belarus-Poland economic forum Good Neighborliness 2019 will be held in Minsk on 7 June, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The forum will feature a plenary session, three sections (Interregional Cooperation and Development; Logistics Services. Creating an Enabling Environment; Information Technology), and also a business matchmaking session. The event will take place in the National Library.

Forum participants will be invited to discuss the attraction of international funds (EU, EBRD) to regional cooperation projects, the development of cross-border transport and logistics centers, the access to the EAEU and EU markets, Belarus' visa-free opportunities for the development of business tourism and other themes.

Polish companies will get familiar with the operation of free economic zones and the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone.

The Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry invites Belarusian companies to take part in the event. Online registration is available on the website of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry through 31 May.


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