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23.05.2019, 16:33

Belarus unveils map of information points for 2nd European Games fans R

The operation concept of the information points for participants and fans of the 2nd European Games in Minsk has been presented at Belarusian State University. The first information points will open in Minsk on 19 June, BelTA learned from the organizing committee of the sports forum.

The map of the information points is available on the website of the 2nd European Games. Volunteers will be deployed at the major sports venues of the city, Minsk National Airport, Central Railway Station, Students' Village, fan zones, Svobody Square and Independence Square. They will offer advertising and information materials, free tourist maps featuring cultural and historical sites and places of interest, show the way and provide general information about Belarus and information about the schedule of the activities and competitions.

About 600 volunteers will be involved, including 200 of them at the information points. The other 400 people will meet and greet fans and help them navigate the sports venues. The volunteers will manage the flow of fans and recommend the most convenient entries.

BSU Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Social Work Ivan Yanushevich and Deputy CEO of the Minsk European Games Organizing Committee (MEGOC) Anatoly Kotov signed a cooperation agreement. “The document we have signed reflects our volunteer engagement experience we have accumulated over the two years of the preparations for the games. Students representing different universities will work at the information points, however the share of BSU students is the biggest,” Anatoly Kotov said.

The 2nd European Games volunteer enrollment program was launched on 15 September 2017 and officially closed on 1 April. Over this time, about 24,200 applications from 106 countries were received. Some 8,000 volunteers will take part in the games.


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