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04.06.2019, 16:39

Belagro 2019 expo opens in Minsk District

A solemn opening ceremony of the Belagro 2019 expo will be held in the Globus Park trade and logistics center in Shchomyslitsa, Minsk District, on 4 June, BelTA learned from the Agriculture and Food Ministry.

More than 550 companies from 29 countries will take part in the expo (Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Israel, India, Italy, Spain, Canada, China, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and Sweden).

The open-air part of Belagro 2019 will showcase modern agricultural machines (over 300 samples). These will include machines to apply fertilizers and plant protection agents and to harvest grain and forage crops, machines for reclamation, cultivation and harvesting of potatoes and vegetables. Agricultural products, machines and equipment will be demonstrated as part of the technological chain alongside modern energy-saving technologies for all sectors associated with production, processing, transporting, and storage. Belarusian manufacturers will showcase agricultural machines alongside foreign companies. An exhibition of retro vehicles will traditionally be part of the program.

One of the main novelties of this year will be an innovative exhibition called “Experimental Field”, with the varieties of grain crops planted here in September 2018. Visitors to this exhibition will be able to see, compare and evaluate the shoots of the experimental varieties of winter wheat, triticale, rye and barley that will be presented by the research center for farming at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and by German companies.

Belagro is also a venue for business negotiations. This year's edition will welcome more than 30 official delegations from different countries. Thematic conferences and panel sessions will discuss competitiveness of agricultural products, the use of land resources in terms of environmental and economic performance, cooperation prospects with foreign countries in the production of innovative technologies in agriculture and other relevant issues.

The program also features practical demonstrations, presentations, master classes and contests such as the tasting contest “Champion of the Taste”, the contest for the best breeding cow, The Best Plowman event, and also an open auction of breeding animals, an exhibition of farm animals and other activities.

The 29th edition of the Belagro 2019 international exhibition will be held on 4-9 June. Its organizer is Minskexpo, co-organizer is IFW-expo. The exhibition is organized with the support and participation of the Agriculture and Food Ministry, the Industry Ministry and the National Academy of Sciences.


Прочитано 15890 раз Последнее изменение 04.06.2019, 16:39
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