222201, Минская обл.,
г. Смолевичи, ул. Советская, 125
(режим работы)
Телефон приемной: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "горячая линия"
Факс: +375 (1776) 2-76-33
Телефон «горячей линии» райисполкома: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "горячая линия"

Телефон «горячей линии» КУП «Смолевичское ЖКХ» работает с 8.00 до 13.00 и 14.00 до 17.00 понедельник-пятница по телефону +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Единый номер справочной службы «одно окно» - 142

E-MAIL: isp@smolevichi.gov.by (для деловой переписки), обращения.бел для обращений граждан и юридических лиц.





More than 10.3 thousand tons of vegetables and fruits are planned to be laid in the stabilization fund of the Minsk region, Tamara Loiko, head of the consumer market regulation…
In the Minsk region during a mass vaccination, it is planned to vaccinate more than 540 thousand people from the flu. BelTA was informed by Angela Galenchik, head of the…
Until the end of this year in Minsk will hold 35 auctions for investment sites. The chairman of the architecture and urban planning committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee…
Sweden is interested in developing economic and tourist cooperation with the Minsk region. This was stated by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Belarus Christina Juhannesson today at a…
The action for a healthy lifestyle will be held on September 25 at pharmacies RUE "Belpharmacy" in Minsk. Such information is posted on the company's website, BelTA informs. It will…
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