222201, Minsk region,
Smolevichi, st. Sovetskaya, 125 (working hours)
Reception phone: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"
Fax: +375 (1776) 2-76-33
Telephone "hot line" of the district executive committee: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"

The "hot line" of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Smolevichskoe Housing and Public Utilities" is open from 8.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 17.00 Monday-Friday by phone +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Single number of reference service "one window" - 142

E-MAIL: (for business correspondence), the section "Electronic Appeals" for appeals from citizens and legal entities.

Super User

О правилах установки и украшения новогодней ёлки!

До Нового Года остаётся не так много времени и сейчас многие граждане собираются установить новогоднюю ёлку. В рамках акции «Безопасный Новый Год» специалисты государственного учреждения «Смолевичский территориальный центр социального обслуживания населения» напоминают следующие правила безопасности:

  1. Ёлка должна стоять на прочном основании и быть крепко закреплена, чтобы её не смогли уронить ни маленькие дети, ни животные; 
  1. Ёлку следует разместить подальше от батареи отопления и электроприборов; 
  1. Рядом с елью нельзя ставить подсвечники со свечами, ведь любое неосторожное движение может привести к пожару; 
  1. Не следует делать украшения в виде снега из ваты или любых других воспламеняющихся материалов, свечей, самодельных игрушек и горючих материалов; 
  1. Гирлянда должна быть качественной, сертифицированной, безопасной, а её изоляция – плотной, гибкой и без внешних повреждений, лампочки – закрытыми.


Государственное учреждение

«Смолевичский территориальный центр социального обслуживания населения»

Работать подростки могут с 14 лет, но при условии согласия одного из

С 16 лет такое решение ребята принимают самостоятельно.

Молодые люди в возрасте от 14 до 16 лет могут выполнять лёгкие виды
работ, не являющиеся вредными для их здоровья и развития, не
препятствующие получению общего среднего, профессионально-технического и
среднего специального образования.

Подростки занимаются ремонтными работами в школьных классах и учебных
аудиториях, благоустройством учебных заведений и учреждений социальной
защиты, пошивом швейных изделий, реставрацией книжного фонда библиотек,
изготовлением мягкой игрушки и сувениров, изготовлением стендов и
другими доступными видами работ.

Школьники и студенты могут самостоятельно найти себе временную работу.

На сайте Государственной службы занятости можно ознакомиться с перечнем
организаций ГСЗ (, готовых предоставить вакантные места.

Сегодня, 15:54

About the "one window" service


The "ONE WINDOW" SERVICE was created by the decision of the Smolevichi District Executive Committee of October 29, 2018 No. 2589 "On the creation of the "one window" service and the approval of its Work Regulations" in order to fulfill the tasks and functions defined by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of May 24, 2018 No. 202 "On the "one window" service.

The main purpose of the "one window" service of the Smolevichi District Executive Committee is to ensure that applications of interested persons on the implementation of administrative procedures are received in one place and administrative decisions are issued on them in accordance with the list approved in accordance with the established procedure.


Plisova Tatiana Sergeevna – specialist of the "one window" service,

Tukhai Anastasia Ivanovna – specialist of the "one window" service,

Kasperovich Tatiana Vladimirovna is a specialist of the "one window" service.


Monday, Wednesday - Friday from 8.00 to 17.00;

Tuesday - from 8.00 to 20.00;

Lunch from 13.00 to 14.00;

1st, 2nd and 3rd Saturday of each month from 9.00 to 13.00;

Sunday, public holidays are a day off.

Phone: 8 01776 37120, 142

Address: 119 Sovetskaya str., Smolevichi, Minsk region, 222201.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The service of interested persons in the "one window" service is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis using an electronic queue management system. A preliminary registration of interested persons for an appointment has also been organized by phone 8 0177637120.

The management of the organization of the "one window" service is carried out by the head of the department for dealing with appeals of citizens and legal entities of the Smolevichi district Executive Committee - Bukatich Alexandra Anatolyevna tel. 801776 2 58 91.


ensuring the implementation of the declarative principle of "one window" when applying to interested parties for the implementation of administrative procedures;
creating conditions for interested persons to submit applications for the implementation of administrative procedures in one place;
providing free advice on the preparation of documents necessary for the implementation of administrative procedures;
ensuring timely and high-quality preparation of documents necessary for the implementation of administrative procedures;
issuance of administrative decisions;
issuing a unique identifier.
THE "ONE WINDOW" SERVICE accepts applications from interested persons on the implementation of administrative procedures in accordance with:

the list of administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations on citizens' applications, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 200 dated April 26, 2010 "On administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations on citizens' applications";

the unified list of administrative procedures carried out in relation to business entities, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 24, 2021 No. 548 "On Administrative procedures carried out in relation to business entities"


Minsk Regional Executive Committee, Department for Handling Appeals of Citizens and Legal Entities (4 Engels str., Minsk, 220030, Head of Department: Oksana Nikolaevna Taranda, tel. 8 (017) 5004256);

Municipal Production Unitary Enterprise "IVC of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee" (5 Chkalova str., Minsk, 220039, Director: Sergey Petrovich Danilyuk, tel. 8 (017) 5004510, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).

Dear visitors of the official website

Smolevichi District Executive Committee!

Smolevichi district is one of the oldest districts of Belarus. The first mention of Smolevichi dates back to 1448.

The history of the city is a chronicle of entire generations of people who lived here, worked on this land, protected it during enemy invasions, restored it after fires and destruction.

Smolevichi district today is a land of hardworking people who have implemented promising projects. With their mind and work, they have created many cultural and spiritual values in the area, which are protected and multiplied.

May 7, 2014 By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On the development of satellite cities", the city of Smolevichi was given the status of a satellite city. Today, its streets are being improved, microdistricts are developing, social institutions are being built, blocks of multi-apartment and individual residential buildings with modern infrastructure are emerging.

Smolevichi district is one of the regions of the Minsk region where industry and the agricultural sector of the economy are dynamically developing, the social sphere is expanding and improving.

Many famous people were born and published here: an outstanding scientist in the field of botany and plant physiology, academician Vasily Kuprevich, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Tatiana Markhel, Olympic champions Antonina Koshel and Marina Lobach, writer Ivan Sinyavsky and many others.

Smolevichchina gave the Motherland five Heroes of the Soviet Union and a full knight of the Order of Glory. These are Pyotr Ivanovich Kupriyanov, Viktor Andreevich Tumar, Anton Adamovich Alekhnovich, Vasily Konstantinovich Zyl, Evstafiy Grigoryevich Slonsky and Nikolai Iosifovich Potapovich.

People are our main value! Talented and hospitable, with their hard work they multiply the wealth and glory of their native land, preserving their loyalty and love for the Fatherland, doing everything possible for the prosperity of Belarus.

We cordially invite you to the hospitable Smolevichi land!

Sincerely, Chairman of the Smolevichi District Executive Committee Andrey Kazimirovich Ratomsky.

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