222201, Minsk region,
Smolevichi, st. Sovetskaya, 125 (working hours)
Reception phone: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"
Fax: +375 (1776) 2-76-33
Telephone "hot line" of the district executive committee: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"

The "hot line" of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Smolevichskoe Housing and Public Utilities" is open from 8.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 17.00 Monday-Friday by phone +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Single number of reference service "one window" - 142

E-MAIL: (for business correspondence), the section "Electronic Appeals" for appeals from citizens and legal entities.


Фото из архива

This year Belarus' harvest will exceed 9 million tonnes of grain, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Ivan Krupko told the media on the sidelines of the international wholesale exhibition Prodexpo 2021 on 9 November, BelTA has learned.

“We will get over 9 million tonnes of cereals, maize and colza. We have already secured a government order for 1 million tonnes. The country will have enough food grain for its needs. There will also be enough grass fodder and fodder grain for domestic livestock breeding to secure the implementation of the tasks set for 2022 to increase production of milk, beef, pork and poultry,” said Ivan Krupko.

The minister also touched upon Belarus' food exports. According to him, the task is to reach $7 billion by 2025. “This year the Russian market accounts for more than 70% of Belarus' food sales. It remains a premium market as a strategic partner, but its share in our supplies is gradually decreasing. We continue diversifying our food exports. Supplies are gradually increasing to the CIS countries, the EU, Africa, and China. We are registering an increase of our supplies to all markets,” he said.

Source: BelTA

Фота з архіва

Since it was connected to the power grid in November 2020, the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant has generated 4.6 billion kWh of electricity, Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel , BelTA has learned.

"All in all, the unit has generated 4.6 billion kWh of electricity. This made it possible to replace about 1.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Every day, the nuclear power plant produces 28 million kWh of electricity, or about 25% of the total electricity produced in the country,” Viktor Karankevich said. “With the second unit up and running, the plant will produce will about 18.5 billion kWh per year with a service life of 60 years with the possibility of extending it to 100 years, taking into account the existing practice of extending the operation of nuclear plants."

The minister recalled that the second unit will be put into commercial operation in 2022. "By the end of this year, we will start the so-called physical launch, will load fresh nuclear fuel into the reactor core at the second unit," he said.

Viktor Karankevich added that today there are 445 units of nuclear power plants in the world. "51 units are under construction. The IAEA now expects world nuclear generating capacity to double by 2050 to 12% from the current 6%," the minister said.

Source: BelTA

Важный объект для области». После реконструкции открылся участок автодороги Р23 Минск — Микашевичи

The opening ceremony with the participation of the Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko and the Chairman of Minsk Region Executive Committee Alexander Turchin was held on the 110th km of the P23 highway.

From a two-lane road it became a four-lane road. This is due to the fact that there is a very high traffic intensity on this section. Today it is 8.5 thousand cars per day. When asked why the road was reconstructed directly to Starobin, Alexey Avramenko answered:

- A lot of Starobin residents work in Soligorsk. And, of course, this site will be in demand in the near future.

This section cost 78 million rubles. The work lasted just over a year. Work began on June 29, 2020.

- In 2021, we repaired about 1,300 roads along local roads in the republic. Plus, today we are introducing a section of the road to Smolevichi. In total, more than 30 km of republican roads will be commissioned. Plus, about 700 km more by the end of the year, current and major repairs will be carried out, - said the Minister of Transport. - Plans until 2025 - to reconstruct 485 km of roads. These are our main directions to Borisov, M8 from Orsha to Vitebsk, this is bypassing Mogilev, Vitebsk and Mir. Also, the reconstruction of the section of the M10 and P99 highways will be carried out.

- Of course, everything worked out. You see this with your own eyes today. We tried to build the facility even ahead of schedule, which was planned for the project. It will be convenient for people to use, and the national economy will receive only advantages. Now it will become even more comfortable to deliver people and goods safely and quickly to their destination. Delivery time will be shortened. On this section of the road, a high-speed mode is introduced, which will allow people to move faster from point to point. The road is of the first category. There are also two small bridges built over small rivers. Everything that was planned was completed on time and with quality. And the funds were invested much less than according to the estimate - 78.4 million rubles out of the planned 90 million. Now, together with the Belaruskali enterprise, we plan to improve the next section, which will run almost to Starobin. We are actively working on this issue now. A construction project is being prepared with the participation of Belaruskali. As soon as the financing issues are resolved, work will begin.

Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko noted that it has become a good tradition in our country by November 7 - the Day of the October Revolution - to commission new transport, industrial, social facilities, to repair and reconstruct them. This year was no exception. This suggests that the country is living, developing, plans are being implemented to create comfortable conditions, infrastructure for business and citizens.

- Today we are at a very important facility, first of all for the Minsk region, - Roman Golovchenko emphasized. - This is another example of the significant work that is being carried out to reconstruct the main highways that connect Minsk with regional centers. In the southern part of the central region, where a large number of industrial enterprises are concentrated, which are of strategic importance for the development of the country, the well-being of our citizens, we are opening a new section of the road. It creates comfortable and safe conditions for movement in the direction of such large industrial centers as Soligorsk and Mikashevichi.

- In a little more than a year, Belarusian road workers completed 15 km of the road, erecting a four-lane highway. This is another example of fast and efficient work of the customer in the person of Minskavtodor and the contractor of the Belavtodor holding. The teams of these organizations, who worked hard at the facility, of course, deserve gratitude.

- I think everyone understands that roads for any country are blood arteries that connect different points on the map of our republic,” the Prime Minister of Belarus noted. “They optimize the pace of development of its regions, create conditions for a comfortable life for citizens. I am convinced that the section of the highway that is being opened today on the eve of November 7 will be another good stage in building a strong and prosperous state - our homeland, the Republic of Belarus.


The motor road of the road P23 Minsk - Mikashevichi is of republican significance and is part of the network of international roads of the CIS. The section from 74 to 126 km is located on the territory of the Minsk region, namely in the Slutsk and Soligorsk regions.

The last major overhauls were carried out here in 1978-1988.


The state will continue to create the best living conditions for people in Belarus, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the opening of the cardiac surgery and cardiotherapy units of the Mogilev Oblast Hospital on 5 November, BelTA has learned.

“No matter how much someone might want it today, we will never abandon the history of our ancestors' labor deeds. Neither sanctions nor pandemics will stop us, just as neither the civil nor the Great Patriotic War stopped the Belarusians. As much as we can, we will develop and create the best living conditions for our people,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.

“You can see that the world has gone crazy, and it has become a lot harder to work. The pandemic has increased the pressure of large states on medium and small ones, and, as I have already said, it is very important for us to survive, withstand and win in this difficult time. The most important thing now is to survive,” said the Belarusian leader.

The president emphasized that Mogilev has greatly changed in recent years and continues to develop. Speaking about the new cardiology units of the Mogilev Oblast Hospital, the head of state stressed their importance for the region. “Mogilev Oblast needed them much. In my opinion, you have reached the level of Minsk Oblast,” he said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked everyone who had taken part in the design and construction of the new cardiology center. He added that a new sports center has been recently built in Mogilev as well. The 50-meter swimming pool will open here ahead of October Revolution Day celebrations.

“Healthcare and sports are what our people need. The new sports center provides everything necessary for preventive activities, rehabilitation after illness, physical development of children and adults. Everything has been done for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle,” the president said.

The president added that modern, high-tech medical centers are being built in different regions of the country. He urged citizens to cherish this heritage and remember that it belongs to the Belarusian people. “Never allow any privatization. While I am here, I will not allow it. It should belong to you. You have seen how private healthcare in the West has shown itself: thousands and thousands of patients,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.

The head of state said that a well-thought approach would be taken to the construction of new hospitals and schools in the country. It is necessary to improve the existing institutions and ensure they meet the world standards, he stressed. All the more so that regional hospitals already compete with the Minsk ones.

“We need to learn to provide care with the number of beds we have. That is why we are optimizing now. We need to raise salaries for doctors and teachers because they are the backbone of our society,” the Belarusian leader said.

Source: BelTA

Фота з архіва

Maize harvest in Belarus is over 96.6% complete, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry.

As of 3 November, Belarus cropped 1.115 million hectares of maize, 96.6% of the total maize area in 2021. As of 3 November 2020, a total of 1.081 million hectares (88.7% of the plan) were cropped.

Some 926,900 hectares of maize were harvested for silage and green fodder (99.6% of the plan), 188,500 hectares were harvested for grain (83.9%).

The average yield of maize for grain is 73.1 centners per hectare. It was 69.3 centners per hectare on the same date last year.

Source: БелТА

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