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The Brest Hero Fortress Memorial Complex has hosted a commemorative meeting dedicated to the Day of the National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War, BelTA has learned.

The commemorative meeting on Ceremonial Square began as usual - at 3.30 in the morning, half an hour before the roar of shells broke the pre-dawn silence in the city on 22 June 1941. The border guards were the first to take on the enemy's fire and they stood to death. Wreaths with candles lit from the Eternal Flame were lowered onto the waters of the Western Bug River to commemorate those who perished in the first minutes and hours of the war and to pay tribute to their extraordinary courage.

Source: БелТА

Belarus is interested in the development of intermodal transportation to Turkey. Belarusian Transport and Communications Minister Aleksei Avramenko made the statement as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey to Belarus Mustafa Ozcan and Chairman of the Turkey-Belarus Business Council Yilmaz Soycan, the ministry's press service told BelTA.

Photo courtesy of the Transport and Communications Ministry

During the meeting Aleksei Avramenko stressed that many years of positive experience of cooperation between Belarus and Turkey in the area of transport represents a reliable foundation for stepping up trade between the two countries.

Intermodal freight shipping by rail between Belarus and Turkey was high on the agenda of the meeting. Yilmaz Soycan noted that transport and logistics are crucial to the balanced development of trade relations. “This railway corridor provides for organizing container freight shipping among other things. Its realization will considerably reduce costs,” he said. The Belarusian Transport and Communications Minister assured that Belarus is also interested in taking a closer look at the possibilities.

Aleksei Avramenko went on saying: “Today we are ready to do our best to develop intermodal transportation between Belarus and Turkey soon. It is a promising avenue for expanding effective cooperation between the countries and for increasing the trade turnover.” The transport and communications minister added that Belarusian Railways will work together with the Turkish business community to work out the logistics of container freight transportation in detail.

The sides also discussed interaction in transportation by road, by air, and in road construction and maintenance. At the end of the meeting the sides reaffirmed strong interest in future strategic partnership.

Source: БелТА

Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko has bestowed state awards on healthcare workers, BelTA has learned.

Roman Golovchenko said: “I am glad to carry out an important mission: present president's commendation letters to the people, whose vocation is the practice of medicine. In this chamber are the best representatives of the medical sphere, people whose experience, competence, professionalism and diligence deserve praise. You've earned the gratitude of those you treat, rescue, put on their feet, and return to the ranks. It is the noble part of the profession you've chosen as a life policy.”

The prime minister drew attention to the complicated nature of medical jobs and the high cost of errors. “This profession requires exceptional diligence, deep professional knowledge, constant efforts to master new treatment methods and new technologies. Apart from that, times are complicated now: all of us and medics in particular have to fight the coronavirus pandemic. It requires special dedication. Medics are doing their best to save human lives,” he noted.

Roman Golovchenko continued: “I am glad to have this opportunity to thank the entire medical community, wish them strong health and inspiration, happiness and wellbeing on the eve of their professional holiday. May you always be warmed and strengthened by the gratitude of your patients.”

The prime minister presented president's commendation letters to more than 20 healthcare workers.

Belarusian Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich and Chairman of the Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers Vyacheslav Shilo also presented awards to medics. In particular, winners of the Doctor of the Year 2020 contest were awarded. The other awards included a Florence Nightingale Medal and the lapel pin “For work in the name of life”.

Source: БелТА

The economy grows and the growth is becoming faster and faster, BelTA learned from Belarusian Deputy Economy Minister Dmitry Yaroshevich on 16 June.

Dmitry Yaroshevich. An archive photo

The press service of the Economy Ministry quoted Dmitry Yaroshevich as saying that in January-May 2021 Belarus' GDP grew by 3.1%. The official noted it is quality growth that relies on a balanced foundation. “Recovery has been registered in virtually all the industries. At present about two thirds of the economy is in the growth zone. The production sector is the key driver, with growth in excess of 11%. It is worth noting that the production sector grows without increasing the stock in storage, which is at its lowest since 2013,” the official said.

According to Dmitry Yaroshevich, the recovering demand on foreign markets became a prerequisite for high dynamics in the production sector. Shipments increased by more than a third over the course of four months. Extra earnings from export were close to $3 billion. Extra earnings were registered in virtually all the groups of products. “I am talking not only about oil refining and potassium. Belarusian trucks, agricultural machines, cars, food, and many other products sell well abroad. We've kept the external sector stable and have reinforced our positions. Foreign trade surplus exceeds the figure registered last year by 2.5 times. Trade is fueled by live money, as they say. With merchandise export up by 35.3%, amounts receivable from our foreign trade partners have increased by only 13.6%,” the deputy economy minister said.

Speaking about the development of various branches of the Belarusian economy, Dmitry Yaroshevich stressed that positive trends had been registered not only in the production sector. “Growing demand is invigorating allied industries, too: wholesale trade and freight shipping are on the rise. The IT sector demonstrates steady growth. Agriculture has virtually reached last year's volume: it is only 0.3 percentage points below 100%. The sphere of services is recovering. Public catering, hotels, and sanatoriums have started working. A recession in retail trade has been overcome. Consumer demand is supported by growing salaries and revenues of the population,” the official explained.

According to Dmitry Yaroshevich, economic growth allows the state to honor social commitments and improve people's welfare.

Source: БелТА

Belarus plans to attract $5.5 billion in net foreign direct investment (FDI), Belarus' Deputy Economy Minister Anzhelika Nikitina told a press conference on 15 June, BelTA has learned.

Anzhelika Nikitina. An archive photo

“Plans are in place to attract more than $5.5 billion in direct foreign investment on a net basis within the next current five years. The areas of application are known. They were voiced at the Belarusian People's Congress,” Anzhelika Nikitina said.

According to her, the funds will mainly be directed to the Great Stone Industrial Park, including the development of hi-tech, innovative projects and free economic zones.

Source: БелТА

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