222201, Minsk region,
Smolevichi, st. Sovetskaya, 125 (working hours)
Reception phone: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"
Fax: +375 (1776) 2-76-33
Telephone "hot line" of the district executive committee: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"

The "hot line" of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Smolevichskoe Housing and Public Utilities" is open from 8.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 17.00 Monday-Friday by phone +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Single number of reference service "one window" - 142

E-MAIL: (for business correspondence), the section "Electronic Appeals" for appeals from citizens and legal entities.


Name of company

Phone number


Chairman of the district executive committee

44 6 41

Reception of the district executive committee

44 2 91

"Public reception" - direct lines

44 3 61

First Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food

28 8 41

Deputy Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee for Economics

44 1 40

Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee for Social Affairs

44 5 41

Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee for Construction, Housing and Communal Services

28 3 35

Manager of the affairs of the district executive committee

27 6 41

Head of the Legal Sector of the District Executive Committee

27 5 06

Chief accountant of the district executive committee

44 8 38

Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs

28 3 61

Smolevichi District Council of Deputies


44 8 93

Chief Specialist

44 8 50

Head of the department of organizational and personnel work of the district executive committee

44 6 80

Chief specialists of the department

44 5 74

44 6 69

Head of the Economics Department of the District Executive Committee

28 7 81

Deputy Head of the Economics Department of the District Executive Committee

44 7 29

Chief Specialists of the Department of Economics

44 6 53

44 8 81

44 7 56

Head of the Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the District Executive Committee

25 7 59

Deputy Head of the Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the District Executive Committee

29 5 45

Chief specialists of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the district executive committee

25 7 58

26 7 58

Chief Specialist of the Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the District Executive Committee

29 8 05

Head of the Department of Affairs of the District Executive Committee

27 6 33 fax.

Head of the documentation support group of the district executive committee

44 6 12

Head of the Department for Work with Appeals of Citizens and Legal Entities of the District Executive Committee

25 8 91

Head of the Department for Work with Appeals of Citizens and Legal Entities of the District Executive Committee

25 8 92

Head of Housing and Communal Services Department

44 1 90

Chief Specialist of the Department of Housing and Communal Services

44 8 74

Head of the Department of Architecture and Construction of the District Executive Committee

44 1 92

Chief Specialist of the Department of Architecture and Construction of the District Executive Committee

44 1 93

Head of the financial department of the district executive committee

29 2 45

Deputy head of the financial department of the district executive committee

29 4 71

Head of the sector of planning and budget execution

29 3 64

Head of the Land Management Service of the District Executive Committee

27 3 55

Deputy head of the land management service of the district executive committee

27 2 45


27 3 42

Head of registry office

26 8 58

Chief Specialist of the Civil Registry Office

26 8 35


25 6 71

Head of the Department for Education, Sports and Tourism of the District Executive Committee

27 3 45

Reception office for education, sports and tourism of the district executive committee

27 9 61

Head of the department for agriculture and food of the district executive committee

44 2 73

Reception of the Department of Agriculture and Food of the District Executive Committee


Deputy Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food for Animal Husbandry

37 3 40

Beginning District Inspectorate of Gostekhnadzor

37 8 51

Head of the Department for Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the District Executive Committee

29 4 45

Deputy Head of the Department for Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the District Executive Committee

29 9 63

Department of Employment and Labor Relations


Chief Specialists

29 7 43

29 3 75, 29 1 85, 28 0 41 (fax.)

Department of Pensions


Deputy Chief


29 4 95

28 4 93

29 4 96, 29 4 72, 29 544

Director of the State Institution "Smolevichi Territorial Center for Social Services to the Population"

28 1 64

55 1 03 (fax.)

Deputy Director of State Institution "Smolevichi Territorial Center for Social Services to the Population"

27 9 93

Head of the branch for Smolevichi district of the Main Department of the Ministry of Finance for the Minsk region (treasury)

28 3 47

Chief Economist of the Department for Smolevichi District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Finance for the Minsk Region (Treasury)

28 3 47 (fax.)

28 9 72

Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the District Executive Committee

29 3 78


29 4 26 (fax.)

Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the District Executive Committee

29 4 84

Director of ISKUP "UKS-Smolevichi"

27 7 01

27 7 00 (fax.)

Head of the Smolevichi bureau of the Borisov branch of RUE "Minsk Regional Agency" for state registration and land cadastre

54 7 27 (fax.)

55 4 19

Head of the district department of the Minsk Regional Department of the Social Protection Fund

38 7 44

Specialists of the district department of the Minsk Regional Department of the Social Protection Fund

28 7 16, 28 7 14

Prosecutor of the Smolevichi District

29 3 70

Reception Office of the Smolevichi District Prosecutor's Office

29 0 42

Chairman of the Smolevichi District Court

29 4 78

Reception of the Smolevichi District Court

29 4 53

Head of the state notary office

28 9 15

Head of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus for the Smolevichi District

38 1 01


38 1 02

Military Commissariat of the Smolevichi District and Zhodino

37 2 78


37 9 77

Head of the regional department for emergency situations

29 0 31


29 0 20, 29 0 21,

29 0 27 (fax.)

Editor-in-Chief of the State Institution "Editorial office of the newspaper "Land of Smalyavitski" and the Radio Broadcasting Program" Smalyavichy"

38 2 63

Executive Secretary

38 4 18

38 4 34 (fax.)

Head of the Smolevichi Regional Inspectorate for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

28 1 59

Specialists of the Smolevichi Regional Inspectorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

28 6 25 (fax.)

Chief Physician of ME "Smolevichi Central District Hospital"

29 3 68

Reception HM "Smolevichi Central District Hospital"

29 1 42

29 1 63 (fax.)

Smolevichi district consumer society


28 5 67 (fax.)

Head of the branch of the Borisov enlarged printing house named after May 1 "Smolevichi printing house"

55 1 61

Head of the Department of Statistics for the Smolevichi District and the city of Zhodino

26 8 50

Director of the Smolevichi Regional Production Department of the Gas Sector "Smolevichiraigas" of the Production Republican Unitary Enterprise "Minskoblgaz"

801775 54 1 00


801775 54 1 61

Director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Smolevichskoe Housing and Public Utilities"

27 6 40

Reception KUP "Smolevichskoe housing and communal services"

27 4 68 (fax.)

SE Smolevichi Vodokanal

control room

43 9 03

60 8 00

Head of the regional electrical communication center

37 2 31

Reception of the regional electrical communication center

37 1 85

37 2 69 (fax.)

Head of the regional post office

23 4 31

Reception of the regional post office

20 1 12

23 4 07 (fax.)

Director of the branch "Minsk Telephone and Telegraph Station" of the Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise "Beltelecom"

43 2 21


43 2 41

Head of the regional section of electrical networks

61 0 47

Reception of the regional section of power networks

 61 0 35 (fax.)


61 0 98

Head of the Inspectorate of the Interdistrict Branch "Energonadzor"

36 9 97

Reception of the inspection of the interdistrict department "Energonadzor"

Specialist of the Inspectorate of the Interdistrict Branch "Energonadzor"

36 9 79 (fax.)

36 7 00

Head of the Smolevichi MRO "Energosbyt"

37 8 71

Reception of the Smolevichi MRO "Energosbyt"

37 4 99 (fax.)

Director of CBU No. 621 of branch 616 of Belarusbank

26 8 23

Reception CBU No. 621 of branch 616 of Belarusbank

55 3 58

Branch Director of JSC Belagroprombank

55 2 58

46 8 01

Reception office of JSC "Belagroprombank"

46 8 01

46 8 05 (fax.)

Reception office of JSC "Belagroprombank"

29 2 50 (fax.)

Director of the branch "Minskobltoplivovo"

55 8 52

54 4 68

Директор ОАО «Смолевичский РКБО»

28 0 50

Reception of JSC "Smolevichi RKBO"

26 6 67

Chief Sanitary Doctor of the State Institution "Smolevichi RTSGiE"

36 8 60

Reception of the State Institution "Smolevichi RTSGiE"

36 9 60

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