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06-02-2019, 16:45

The 400-year history of the primer is presented at the Minsk Book Fair

At the XXVІ Minsk International Book Fair, the exposition “Belarusian Primer: Four Centuries of History” was presented and the facsimile edition of the first “Primer” was presented to the best teachers of Belarus and authors of the most modern primers, BelTA informs.

The exposition “Belarusian Primer: Four Centuries of History” tells us what were the manuals for the initial literacy training at different times, from the 16th century to the present day. It also includes descendants of the "Primer": Primer Spiridon Sobol (Kutseina, 1631), Primer of the Slavonic Language (Vilnius, 1767), Primer's Book, Yakub Kolas, Karus Kagants, Stepan Nekrashevich, Western Belorussian and modern books.

“This exhibition is a real book forum. We present here the most important book monuments, as well as last year’s publications, one of which was the facsimile of the first“ Primer ”. schoolchildren. The national library organized an exhibition where she showed all four centuries of bookworm. We tried to gather in one place the authors of modern primers, teachers and schoolchildren, " Arusi Alexander Susha.

During the presentation of the exposition "Belarusian Primer: Four Centuries of History" the facsimile edition of the first "Primer" was presented to the authors of modern primers Olga Tirinova and Anatoly Klyshka, the faculty of primary education of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, the capital's gymnasium №4 and the best teachers of Belarus of the highest category Yulia Belova, deputy director - teacher of primary classes of secondary school No. 16 of Minsk, teacher of secondary school No. 11 of Mozyr, Elena Pikuz, director of Kiev No. 198 of Minsk, Oksana Tsi Balenko and others.

"There are not many teachers-methodologists in our country, but they are people who can create and lead other teachers. In this vein, we have not met yet and this is a really interesting format. In the Year of the Small Motherland, the restoration of the first book in the world has become a truly symbolic event "Primer" is the only monument of Belarusian enlightenment thought of its kind. I am sure that the Belarusian literature has a great future. The traditions of our ancestors will live and continue in new primer publications, in the practice of educational institutions and in modern consciousness variables students, "- said Alexander Land.

The international scientific and publishing project on facsimile reproduction of the first "Primer", created 400 years ago in the printing house of the Vilna Orthodox fraternity of the Holy Spirit in the town of Evje, was implemented in 2015-2018. As a result of work in London, the world's only complete copy of the oldest "Primer" was found, digitized and described in detail. The facsimile edition was published due to the well-coordinated work of the National Library of Belarus, the Library of the Honorable Society Middle Temple in London, the Embassies of Belarus in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the International Association of Belarusians, Belarusian State University, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Belinvestbank.

The XXVI Minsk International Book Fair takes place under the slogan "More than Books" from February 6 to 10 in the administrative complex along Pobediteley Avenue, 14. More than 400 exhibitors from 35 countries are represented at the site of about 3 thousand square meters. It is expected that the exhibition will be visited by about 60 thousand people. The organizers are the Ministry of Information, the Minsk City Executive Committee, the Union of Writers of Belarus, the co-organizers are the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Education, Culture, Belkniga OJSC, PC LLC Macbel.

Read 13876 times Last modified on 06-02-2019, 16:45
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