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15-11-2016, 14:50

Department of short-track first in Minsk Oblast started operations in Zhodino

The first in the Minsk oblast department for practicing short track opened in specialized youth school of Olympic reserve in rowing and canoeing Zhodino, BelTA learned from the Zhodino City Executive Committee.

"Guide Sports School at Canoe Sprint has committed to organize the section of the short-track and execute it. Composed of five groups of initial training. A total of 50 young inhabitants of Zhodino is already taking the first steps in the short track under the guidance of coach Igor Kraynova" , - told the executive committee.

Now the practical training students of the department short-track pass on hockey skates or skates for figure skating, but quite soon the children will test and special skates, in which the blades are shifted to the left relative to the middle of the shoe and having a bend required to give greater stability when driving on the distance counterclock-wise. Gradually, the young athletes will learn the techniques and tactics of the races in short track, learn the history of this quite young but entrenched in the program of the Olympic Winter Games sport.

Based separation of short-track on ice (st. The Lebedev, 18a), which is a subsidiary of Sports School Rowing and canoeing. Sportobektami the necessary conditions for full employment short track. Sufficient for their organization is the presence of a standard hockey field.

The task for the future of a new branch of short-track in Zhodino is to prepare athletes for the national teams of Belarus teams in this sport. Training Zhodino short trekistov held three times a week. It is important that the office continues to accept boys and girls to education.

Short track speed skating is a view. During the competition, participants ride on the ice oval track 111.12 meters in length and play awards at various distances, as well as relays. The program of the Olympic Winter Games short track came in 1992. Belarus was first introduced to the sport four years in major competitions at the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City (USA). Then, in the women's competition participated Julia Elsakova-Pavlovich. Now Belarus has two branches short-track work in Minsk (in the town center of Olympic reserve on ice disciplines) and Orsha (state specialized youth school of Olympic reserve №2).

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