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17-11-2016, 15:14

In Minsk Oblast more than 500.000 residents vaccinated against the flu

The population of the Minsk region, have made preventive vaccination against influenza, has exceeded 500 thousand. People, accounting for nearly 36% of the population of the region. BelTA reported Head of the Department of Epidemiology immunization department of the Minsk regional center of hygiene, epidemiology and public health (TSGEOZ) Elena Mikhadyuk.

According to the Sanitary Epidemiological Service, this year in the ongoing in the central region of the mass immunization campaign against influenza planned immunization coverage of at least 40% of the population. "The focus of the vaccination is given to so-called risk groups Among them are children from 6 months to 3 years old, people with chronic illnesses, the elderly, pregnant women, health care workers." - Said Elena Mikhadyuk.

Specialist recalled that most cases of influenza quickly recover without medical treatment, but for people with existing health problems for pregnant women flu can be serious or even fatal illness. Also, the flu can be a serious problem for newborns because their immune system is not yet sufficiently developed and less body ready to fight off infections. In this case, the basic protection of the child can give a mother who received a vaccination during pregnancy, drew the attention of the chief of department.

Elena Mikhadyuk also recalled that the flu can lead to serious consequences if the person is older than 65 years. "From 80% to 90% of all deaths due to influenza observed among men in that age Older people are at much greater risk of hospitalization for influenza This is due to the weakening of the immune system, which is less effective in fighting infections.." - she stressed, adding that vaccination against seasonal flu - the best way to preserve health.

According to experts, the optimal duration of vaccine - the second half of September to early December. Immunity against influenza begins to develop in 14-21 days and provides protection against the disease for 8-12 months. Children aged 6 months to 3 years, as well as children with immunosuppression may receive two doses with an interval of four weeks to form a more stable defense. Vaccination received prior to the rise of the incidence of acute respiratory infections, the most effective, and contributes to the development of immunity.

Last year, about 40% of the population of Minsk region were vaccinated against influenza. Season the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI), then began in October. Prevention of influenza and ARI is a general recovery, strengthening the body and stimulate the immune system by hardening, physical exercise in the fresh air. It is necessary to pay attention to skating, swimming, use a full, rich in vitamins food, and in late winter and early spring - moderate reception of vitamin preparations.

This year, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended new vaccines that will provide formation of immunity to the three main variants circulating virus: influenza virus type A (H1N1 pdm09), influenza virus type A (H3N2), influenza virus B (Brisbane). Belarus currently uses the following names of influenza vaccines, "Grippol plus Belmed" (producer country of Belarus), "Grippol plus" (Russia), "VAXIGRIP" (France), "influvac" (Netherlands), "Ultravak" (Russia).

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