222201, Minsk region,
Smolevichi, st. Sovetskaya, 125 (working hours)
Reception phone: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"
Fax: +375 (1776) 2-76-33
Telephone "hot line" of the district executive committee: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"

The "hot line" of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Smolevichskoe Housing and Public Utilities" is open from 8.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 17.00 Monday-Friday by phone +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Single number of reference service "one window" - 142

E-MAIL: (for business correspondence), the section "Electronic Appeals" for appeals from citizens and legal entities.

11-01-2021, 11:55

What questions will the delegate from Lyuban raise at the All-Belarusian People's Assembly

Exactly a month is left until the sixth All-Belarusian People's Assembly, which should become a platform for dialogue on the development of the country's development strategy. The Lyuban region will be represented by five delegates, including Tatyana Kozlovskaya, a deputy of the regional Council of Deputies. What questions she plans to discuss at a large-scale forum, the correspondent of MLYN.BY learned.

- For me, as a representative of the medical community, citizen, resident of a small town, it is very important to preserve and strengthen the health of the population, as well as the development of social infrastructure in small towns. These questions are relevant, including for Lyuban. The city is developing, its population is growing. It is very important for local residents to build preschool and other educational institutions, increase the availability of medical services due to population growth and strengthen the material and technical base of healthcare organizations.

The All-Belarusian People's Assembly is an important political event. As a resident of the provinces, I would like to listen to all the opinions and participate in the discussion. I was a delegate to the first All-Belarusian People's Assembly and I am very honored to take part in the meeting of the sixth forum. In my opinion, this is the most correct and relevant form of communication, the opportunity for dialogue and the formation of a common opinion.

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