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05-03-2021, 14:32

27 residents of the region with many children received the Order of the Mother in Borisov

In Minsk region, it has already become a good tradition on the eve of March 8 to present the Order of the Mother to women who are raising five or more children. This time the ceremony was held in the cultural capital of the country - the city of Borisov. The high mark of maternal valor was awarded to 27 mothers with many children from 9 districts of the Minsk region. MLYN.BY met women, I'm not afraid to say, heroines and asked how they cope.

Flowers, best words, congratulations and compliments. Looking at such beautiful and fragile women, it is even difficult to imagine that they are mothers with many children, raising 5 or more children. Even more surprising is that not all of them are housewives. They occupy high positions in various fields, and some of them have few of their five kids. Caring for children is more of a vocation for them, so they teach at school.

Tatiana Kondratovich from the village of Chist, Molodechno District, does not consider herself a heroine, but admits that maternal labor is not easy. The family of Tatiana and Oleg has 5 children. Mom Tanya's day starts at five in the morning. And this is regardless of whether weekdays or holidays on the calendar. To feed the family with breakfast, to get the elders to school, the youngest to kindergarten, cleaning, washing, cooking ... Mom has enough worries, however, as well as motivation.

- My eldest son Denis is already 20 years old. He is in the army - he serves on a contract basis in a military unit near our village, says Tatiana proudly. - Already an adult, sometimes he helps us with the younger ones. In general, I am calm for my children: they grow up as real owners and helpers. They help me and my father and take care of each other.

Together with her husband, she thought that their family would have at least two children. The plan was exceeded. Tatiana shares that after the birth of two boys, Denis and Vanya, I really wanted a girl. Happened! And then my daughter Liza began to ask her sister. But ... it turned out to be a brother, and then another one.

- When they ask me if it is difficult to raise five children, I always smile in response. Yes, five children is not only huge financial expenses - it is also physically difficult. But what happiness is when a child utters the first word or takes the first step, when he falls in love for the first time and is disappointed for the first time ... Raising children is a responsible business, because it depends on the parents what they teach or not teach the child in the first years of life, what values ​​they can to inoculate.

Tatiana shared that without the help of her husband she would not have dared to have such a number of children:

- He is my support, support in everything. If necessary, he will wash dishes, floors, prepare food. And if the child gets sick, on the first call he breaks down from work and flies home to take him to the clinic, to help. I was very lucky with him!

Now the family is finishing building the house and dreaming of an imminent move.

- According to the 204th decree, money was allocated to us, and we were able to build our own house. The children will now have their own rooms. And the younger ones can't wait to get dogs. They have long dreamed of pets, but in our "three-ruble note" we could not afford them, - Tatiana shares.

Five children and in the family of Elena and Nikolay Tsukanov from the Smolevichi region. They have two boys and three girls. The youngest daughter of Radomir was born on July 15, 2019. Elena shared that today she cannot imagine her family life without the daily bustle of the home and a noisy choir of cheerful children's voices. And she really has plenty of worries - each child has several circles. It's hard to even imagine how mom copes with everything.

- Our family is athletic. For example, the eldest son Arseny, who turned 14 in October, has been studying at the Republican Center for Olympic Training in Water Skiing since the age of six. And he is already a candidate for master of sports. At the same time, he plays drums at a music school, learns English, loves programming and studies robotics, - Elena surprises. - Yes, and our ten-year-old Ksenia does not lag behind her brother. My daughter is also engaged in the Olympic training center, where she is the youngest athlete. Ksenia has been fond of water skiing since the age of four. She has the first youth sports category, she has medals. But our five-year-old Taisiya is fond of ballet. My daughter and I attend special courses in Minsk. Twelve-year-old Elisha is also a creative person. He studies at the Smolevichi gymnasium and at the same time goes to music (learns to play the flute) and art schools. Many of his works have taken part in regional exhibitions.

The Tsukanovs moved to Smolevichi from Minsk in 2011, they live in their house, built using a soft loan. Nikolai works as an air traffic controller, there are only 150 such specialists throughout the country. Elena graduated with honors from high school and the Minsk College of Finance and Economics, but preferred to be a wife and mother.

- In recent days, our whole family was excited, because everyone was really looking forward to the award. It's very nice, - Elena shares her emotions. - This is such a great achievement for our entire family. Being a mother is the noblest job, for which you receive the highest salary - a child's hug, sincere love, an emotional charge of positive and the meaning of life. Thank you for this wonderful holiday on the eve of March 8!

Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee Ivan Markevich noted that for many years a good tradition has developed in our country of awarding Mother Orders to large families - awards symbolizing the high state recognition of motherhood:

“This is a sign of deep respect and reverence for the important role of women in society. A mother's mission is second to none. And to put five or more children on their feet is a real feminine feat. The choice in favor of a large and strong family is a crucial step that requires colossal physical and moral strength. It is nice that in our region the number of mothers and families with many children is increasing and today it is more than 19 thousand, in which 68 thousand children are being brought up.

He emphasized that the issues of supporting motherhood and childhood are the priorities of the state's social policy:

- A strong legislative framework has been created in Belarus, which makes it possible to solve the problems of large families. These are benefits for child care, and the construction of social housing, and the allocation of soft loans. In a socially oriented state, large families will always be surrounded by care and attention. Today the state ensures a stable growth of social guarantees in connection with the birth and upbringing of children. Since 2015, a new form of state support has been operating in our country - family capital, which has been assigned to more than 15.5 thousand large families. Since January 2020, more than 4.5 thousand families have been able to use this type of state support ahead of schedule.

Ivan Markevich also noted that in January of this year, a presidential decree on social support for a certain category of our citizens came into force. With an emphasis on additional guarantees in the field of pensions and social support for low-income large families.

- Every year the list of social guarantees in the field of health care, education and housing is being filled up. This year, it is planned to provide housing with the use of social support for about 2 thousand large families of the Minsk region, and more than three thousand will improve their living conditions. New kindergartens and schools, hospitals and clinics are being built, housing is being built. In strong large families, the highest quality education is given, based on love and respect for one's neighbor, generosity and mutual assistance, responsibility to parents, brothers and sisters.

Today the best mothers of Minsk region have gathered in this hall, raising five, eight and even eleven children! This is delightful and deeply respected. Low bow to you for the affection and care with which you surround your children, for the kind and just motherly word that helps them to get on their feet, to make their minds in life and to successfully follow the chosen path.

Elena Tsukanova, mother of many children, thanked the organizers of the ceremony and the Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee for the attention to the issues of motherhood and family on the part of the state and the executive branch.

- Happiness to have many children, happiness to raise them in a country where there is a lot of support, where there is a high degree of social responsibility. It is a great honor to receive the Order of the Mother. Thank you for the fact that the state pays so much attention to large families, for the existence of such an award, and for the fact that you considered us worthy of it, ”she said.


The high mark of maternal valor was established by presidential decree in 1995. Together with the honorary award, large families are paid an amount in the amount of five living wage budgets. In addition, in the regions, by decision of local executive committees, additional forms of incentives have been established. The order is a nine-pointed star inscribed in a circle. In the center of the circle there is a relief image of a woman and a child in the rays of the sun, framed by a wreath of oak and laurel leaves, in the lower part of the wreath there is a blue and white enamel bow.

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