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04-08-2017, 9:28

Lukashenko urges to update Ordinance No. 3 by 1 October

It is essential to update Ordinance No. 3 “On preventing social parasitism” by 1 October, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he listened to the report on the demographic situation and the promotion of employment on 3 August, BelTA has learned.

“As I was informed, an updated version of Ordinance No. 3 has been already prepared. I want a comprehensive report on this topic. This document should be ready by 1 October,” Alexander Lukashenko said.

The president stressed that it is inadmissible to conceal the problem of the employed and of those who do not want to work. I have already raised this issue. There are at least 500,000 unemployed people in Belarus. About 200,000 of them are people with many children, ill or disabled people, those who want to work but cannot due to certain life circumstances. But what 300,000 people are doing? Therefore, Ordinance No. 3 is meant for those 300,000 people who do not work. We should make them work. This is the ideology. There is nothing to conceal from our people,” the head of state said.

Speaking about the new version of the document, Alexander Lukashenko said that he has already shared his ideas and preferences several times. “I reiterate that local authorities monitoring the labor market and seeing absolutely all people should be authorized to apply leverage on these people to solve the problem. This is what we should do and include in the update document,” the president believes. “I hope that both the government and MPs will deal with this issue. They should do it. MPs cannot steer away from it.”

All people willing to work should have this opportunity, the head of state said. Therefore, government bodies should help people if necessary. It is needed to organize the retraining of people, help them start their business. “There are many conversations about it in our society. Therefore, I would like to dot the i's. Someone will like it, other will not. Those who want to work should have jobs, and they have jobs in our country. Do not devise any difficult processes and say that it is needed to retrain someone because many people want to work but do not work. Those who want to work do it,” Alexander Lukashenko said.

At the same time, the president said that certain people do not want to work at all. “We must make them work. They do not want to work. There are only conversations about their willingness to work. That is why today you should focus on those who should but do not want to work,” the head of state is convinced.

Alexander Lukashenko also reminded that it is needed to prepare other crucial documents by October. These include documents on promoting entrepreneurship and simplifying business conditions.

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