222201, Minsk region,
Smolevichi, st. Sovetskaya, 125 (working hours)
Reception phone: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"
Fax: +375 (1776) 2-76-33
Telephone "hot line" of the district executive committee: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "hot line"

The "hot line" of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Smolevichskoe Housing and Public Utilities" is open from 8.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 17.00 Monday-Friday by phone +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Single number of reference service "one window" - 142

E-MAIL: (for business correspondence), the section "Electronic Appeals" for appeals from citizens and legal entities.

04-04-2019, 16:35

Conference on Paralympic sport as a form of rehabilitation opens in Vitebsk

The Vitebsk State Medical University (VSMU) today will host a republican scientific-practical conference with international participation "Paralympic sport in the concept of medical and social rehabilitation and integration," BelTA learned from the university.

The main goal of the event is a discussion of modern approaches to the organization of Paralympic sports as a form of medical and social rehabilitation and integration in Belarus for people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, vision and hearing, and cognitive impairments. Specialists update issues of interaction between medical and social services, volunteers in assisting patients with disabilities, discuss the importance of attracting the attention of public organizations to this problem and increasing the awareness of specialists and the public about the selection criteria, the main directions and methods of working in invasport.

“The conference will be attended by representatives of medical schools, the Ministry of Health of Belarus, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Republican Center for Olympic Training in Paralympic and Deaflympic Sports, and the Ministry of Sport and Tourism. Leading specialists of adaptive physical culture and invasport, and neurology , medical and social rehabilitation from Belarus and Russia. It is expected that about 100 delegates will take part in the conference, ”the university said.

In addition, on April 5, a republican sports festival of mutual integration between athletes with disabilities and university students will be held at the base of VSMU.

The event is organized by the Ministry of Health, the Vitebsk State Medical University, the Republican Center for Olympic Training in Paralympic and Deflympic sports.


Read 10183 times Last modified on 04-04-2019, 16:35
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