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Lukashenko: Belarus is ready to increase food supplies to China's Hunan Province

Belarus is able to increase the supplies of food products to China's Hunan Province, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he met with China's Communist Party Secretary of Hunan Province Du Jiahao on 13 April, BelTA has learned.

Hunan Province has found a reliable partner in the face of Mogilev Oblast and has been actively working with it. That is why at today's meeting the president invited the Chinese guest to discuss the aspects of cooperation with Mogilev Oblast in particular and Belarus in general. “We have every opportunity to increase food supplies to Hunan Province and first of all dairy products from Mogilev Oblast. Chinese cargo containers travel to Europe via Belarus and return back half-empty. We are ready to load them with milk, yogurts, ice cream which are in an increasing demand in your country. Babushkina Krynka is ready to meet your needs in the products,” Alexander Lukashenko said.

Belarus is also interested in the successful implementation of the earlier-signed contacts and in particular those with China's Zoomlion. According to the head of state, a Belarusian-Chinese company was registered in the Mogilev free economic zone in February 2017 to produce construction and utilities special-purpose vehicles. Strommashina plant is gearing up for the joint assembling of crane facilities. Alexander Lukashenko expressed hope that Zoomlion will operate successfully in the Great Stone Industrial Park. “Taking into account provided preferences, the company will be able to establish high-technology production very fast. These products will be in demand not only in Belarus, but also in Russia and the European Union,” Alexander Lukashenko said.

According to the president, Belarus and Hunan Province need to develop closer ties in culture and education. “Keeping in mind the popularity of Belarusian creative companies in China, it would be great to organize tours to Hunan Province as well,” Alexander Lukashenko said. He believes that friendship between Belarus and China should be also promoted between the younger generation. An appropriate format for it is a cultural exchange of students with a temporary stay in families in summer. Belarusian schools run the Chinese language courses. Russian is taught in China. “Children adapt and find understanding very fast. Such projects will be useful and interesting,” the president said.

The head of state stressed that Belarus and Hunan Province have a great potential for cooperation in various areas. With a view to fulfilling this potential, Alexander Lukashenko suggested opening a representative office of Hunan Province in Belarus. If the decision is approved, Belarus is ready to provide all necessary assistance in implementing the project. The best conditions will be also created if Hunan Province decides to open its office in Mogilev.

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