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09.06.2017, 15:22

Rally of retro cars will be held June 10-11 in Minsk and Minsk region

"Oldtimer Rally Minsk - 2017" of retro cars will be held June 10-11 in Minsk and the Minsk region, BelTA has learned.

Collectors of retro cars from Belarus, as well as from abroad, will take part in the event. The upcoming rally is a traditional amateur competition with elements of orienteering and high-speed maneuvering on classic cars. They will be held on public roads and will consist of road tests and additional tests. The estimated length of the route along public roads will be 360 km for two competitive days.

To participate in the rally, serial cars produced before January 1, 1980, which must conform to the original specification, are allowed. The crew will include a driver and a navigator. The regulation allows the transportation of passengers.

The grand opening of the competition will be held in Minsk on October Square on June 10 and will begin at 11.15. Here, the first day of the rally will be launched. The crews from here will go to Molodechno. In the district center, the participants will perform a number of scheduled tasks, and then the column will move to the Central Square. Here, residents and visitors of the city will be able to see rare cars. In the evening the riders will return to Minsk.

On the second day of the competition, on June 11, the rally participants will go to Pukhovichi district.

The organizer of the rally is the public association "Mashyna Vremya" with the support of Minsk City Executive Committee, Molodechno District Executive Committee and NGO "Belarusian Automobile Federation"

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