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29.03.2017, 9:54

KCC found violations in the work of the leshozes of the Minsk region

The State Control Committee revealed violations in the work of the leshozes of the Minsk region. The results of monitoring the activities of forestry institutions were discussed at the on-site meeting of the KGC collegium in the capital region, BelTA learned in KGC.

There were facts of non-compliance with budgetary, forestry and environmental laws. In particular, over Br1.5 million budget budget funds were used not for the intended purpose. So, the Berezinsky forestry purchased a multi-operation forest machine, the Slutsk timber enterprise sent funds for the reconstruction of the building of garages for storage facilities. These costs were not provided for by the corresponding estimate.

There were shortcomings in the procurement, use of property. For example, Pukhovichsky forestry with violations acquired 27 pieces of equipment, and some of it was not in demand in production activities. Also, the deadlines for paying fees for released timber at the root were often not observed, and cases of illegal logging were encountered.

Special attention is paid to the development of wind-damaged and damaged forest areas, effective use of agricultural and other lands overgrown with arboreal and shrubby vegetation, and the improvement of road and forest roads damaged by heavy-duty forest machinery.

"In general, organizations ensure the implementation of the main task entrusted to them in the management, use, reproduction, protection and protection of the forest fund, carry out the indicators of social and economic development brought to the industry." Issues of concern are taken for control, "the KGC noted.

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