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29.04.2017, 9:03

Republic horse riding will be held in Vileika district on April 30

Republican competitions - remote horse riding among professionals and amateurs - will be held in the village of Starinka in the Vileika district on April 30, BelTA learned from the organizers of the event.

Over 20 pairs of participants (rider and horse) from different regions of Belarus will compete for the championship cup. Spectators and fans will be able to see several breeds of horses: traken, Arab, Latvian, Belarusian, etc. The competitions will be held at two distances of 40 km and 80 km. The time of the first start is scheduled for 8.30 at the "Old Fashion House".

It is believed that equestrian runs originated in the Arabian Peninsula, where the Bedouins happily ridden through the desert, testing their mounts for strength. Equestrian runs on 100 km were especially popular in the USSR. They were often attended by well-known historical figures, for example, Semyon Budyonny and Konstantin Voroshilov.

Modern horse rides are horse racing on rough terrain along a previously planned route. The rider wins, whose horse showed the best result by the time of passing the race. But there is one nuance: after each stage of the competition (20 km), the riders are examined by veterinarians. If the physical condition of the horse is considered unsatisfactory, the pair is removed from the competition.

The organizer of the upcoming republican equestrian run was the farm "AV Sports horses"

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