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29.08.2017, 18:34

Minsk region withstands the growth schedule of wages in 2017 - Isachenko

Minsk region sustains the wage growth schedule in 2017, said today the chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Anatoly Isachenko at a meeting of the regional executive committee, where the results of the socio-economic development of the central region for the first half of 2017 were considered, the BelTA.

"The region can withstand the growth of wages", - said Anatoly Isachenko. Thus, the nominal accrued average monthly wages of workers in the region's organizations (excluding micro-organizations and small organizations without departmental subordination) reached Br767.5 in January-June, with Br754.6 set, including June - Br823.2. The real wages in the region amounted to 103.1% to the level of the first half of 2016.

In terms of industries, wages for January-June amounted to: Br972.6 in industrial organizations of the region, Br808.8 in construction, Br721.9 in trade, Br784.6 in transport activity, Br600.1, in the public sector - Br561.9. The highest level of average monthly wages in the first half of the year was in Soligorsk (Br1130.3), Minsk (Br924.9) and Zhodino (Br842.6).

In a number of spheres of activity in the Minsk region, the average salary for June 2017 exceeded the level of Br1 thousand, including in the production of chemical products, in the field of information and communication, in metallurgical production, mining.

According to the bodies of labor, employment and social protection, the situation in the labor market of the Minsk region in the first half of this year was characterized by an increase in the number of vacant jobs claimed by employers of all forms of ownership. The demand for staff as of July 1 was 9.7 thousand vacancies, which is 1.8 times more than last year. One job conditionally accounted for 0.5 unemployed. The level of registered unemployment in the region as of July 1 was 0.7%. In all regions, the projected unemployment rate did not exceed the threshold.

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