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07.04.2017, 14:29

Minsk region presented its economic, tourist and cultural potential in Moscow

The Minsk region has presented its economic, tourist and cultural potential in Moscow. The presentation of the region took place today in the Business and Cultural Complex of the Embassy of Belarus in Russia, BelTA has learned. Opening the event, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Russia Igor Petrishenko recalled that earlier in the diplomatic mission the presentations of the Brest, Gomel, Grodno regions and the city of Minsk were held successfully and with the achievement of concrete results and agreements.

Speaking about the central region of Belarus, the diplomat noted that serious work is being done in the region on activating investment activities, attracting resources to the production sector. At the same time, the rate is made for the implementation of major investment projects. As an example, he cited the construction of the Sino-Belarusian industrial park "The Great Stone". The diplomat also singled out one of the world's largest producers of potash fertilizers of OJSC Belaruskali and one of the world leaders in the production of BelAZ dump trucks, operating in the metropolitan region.

"In the Minsk region there are more than 4 thousand enterprises that produce 18% of the country's industrial output," said Igor Petrishenko.

First Deputy Chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Igor Makar said that the region has concluded 40 agreements on cooperation with 36 subjects of the Russian Federation. As a result of 2016, the trade between the Minsk region and Russia amounted to $ 3.6 billion, including exports to Russia - $ 2.3 billion.

Igor Makar expressed the hope that today's event will contribute to the conclusion of new contracts between enterprises of the Minsk region and Russian partners, an increase in mutual trade turnover. The presentation was attended by representatives of the government of Moscow and the Moscow region, Russian business circles, the Permanent Committee of the Union State, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, the Eurasian Economic Commission, as well as about 30 foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Moscow.

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