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22.01.2018, 11:10

The deficit of places in kindergartens and schools is planned to be eliminated in the Minsk region within three years

The deficit of places in kindergartens and schools is planned to be eliminated in the Minsk region for three years. About this on the air of the program "Outlines" of the TV channel ONT the chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee Anatoly Isachenko, BELTA reports.

"The problem of kindergartens, of course, exists: we have about 5 thousand places needed in preschool institutions, about 2 thousand - in schools." In principle, over the next three years we plan to meet all these needs. , an ambitious task, "said Anatoly Isachenko.

He also spoke about the development of the Borisov district. "We have already begun to build a school and we plan to introduce it by September 1. We have also started repairing the central street, this year we will begin repairing the bridge, which has been a problem since Soviet times." We will design a repair and build an ice arena, "- the chairman of the regional executive committee informed.

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